Annual Meeting

Once a year, Davos presents itself as the hub of the economic, socio-political and overall political world, namely when the World Economic Forum invites to its annual meeting. During this period, the economic and political elite meet to discuss global issues and find solutions.
It is therefore not unlikely that Bill Gates is sipping his Coca-Cola next to you, Joe Biden is landing his helicopter on the golf course in Davos, or the heads of the Big Five global players are sitting at the same table and dining together.
"I look at every offer. It could be the offer of a lifetime."
Henry Ford (U.S. inventor and automobile pioneer: * July 30, 1863, Springwells Township, Michigan; † April 7, 1947)
For years, the vacation home IGLSON has been accommodation for high-ranking persons, who come to Davos at the time of the WEF. For reasons of discretion we are not allowed to mention any names. However, our house has now been rented for several years to a CEO of a US-American corporation, who highly appreciates IGLSON as a retreat during the stressful time.
So if you are interested in a booking for the WEF period, we ask you to early contact (at least 1 year in advance). Prices are available on upon request and proof of a concrete booking interest.
Sincerely thank you for your understanding.
We are looking forward to hear from you.